The Foundation is the fundraising arm for the Forest Home Farms Historic Park. We raise money to sponsor events or provide financial support when needed.
The San Ramon Historic Foundation always needs financial support. Our goal is to obtain and be stewards of donations and grant monies, which will assist SRHF to broaden and strengthen its historic programs and to share and preserve San Ramon’s history for generations to come.
Checks should be made out to San Ramon Historic Foundation and sent to PO Box 1, San Ramon, CA. 94583. For more information contact us by email at Or you can donate online using the button below.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns. Please save and print your tax-deductible receipt for your records.
The Gift Shoppe at Forest Home Farms is open on Saturdays (11AM – 2PM) and during fundraising events. You’ll find farm related books, toys, and cozy stuffed animals that can be enjoyed by children while parents appreciate the recipe books, ornaments, and fine tea related items that reflect Ruth Boone’s love of teas.


Do you have a “treasure” sitting out in the garage that you think might date back to one of our pioneer families? Is it a very old artifact that might just fit into one of room recreations?
Call the City staff at (925) 937-3284 with a description of the item and, if possible, include a picture. We will make arrangements to send someone out to see the item. We can’t use all items but we would hate to see a valuable piece go to “Goodwill” when it could fit into our properties for a tax-deductible donation.